About Us

Parcom International Ltd is a renowned Engineering Firm that was founded in January 2024 (Registered as a limited company in May 2024) with the goal of providing skilled and professional Consultancy, Design, Material Supply and Installation Services. We are working in wide area engineering field since 2024. We have largest engineering team to perform different field of engineering. Our team consists of experienced designers and strategic thinkers from around the world. Since our team is a curated mix group that comes from different backgrounds, we provide Our DESIGNS that is unique, quality, dynamic, and innovative designs with an excellent understanding of our client requirements. We are one of the top engineering consultants in the expertise of Design, Supply and Installation of Civil Construction, Sustainable & Green Building Consultancy, Architectural Engineering, Structural Engineering, Interior Works, MEP (Mechanical, Electrical & Plumbing) Engineering, Fire & Life Safety, Different Types of HVAC System, Industrial Machinery (Boiler, Generator), Washing and Dyeing Plant are the major services that we are serving in Bangladesh. We are providing the engineering inspections in the expertise of Energy Audits, Safety Inspection (Building, Electrical, and Fire), Detailed Engineering Assessment (DEA), and Periodic Annual Maintenance Contact (HVAC, Electrical & Fire, Utility). We also provide the Treatment Plant (WTP, ETP, STP, RO), Steam & Utility System, Environmental Engineering, Industrial Gardening, Energy Recovery System. On addition offering wide range of services like; CAP (Corrective Action Plan) Management, Evaluation, Renovation, and Repair/Retrofitting of existing Project. Our goal is to make sure your valuable organization is always being safe and sound. We believe in the value of shared knowledge. Our team of experts is well informed and up-to-date on the latest technologies, which allow us to elevate the level of our work. We have a group of professionals having a vast similar experience to work on it. Our Engineers are vastly experienced and trained by overseas trainers in the field of Designing, Consultancy, Inspection, and Implementation with Maintenance work. Our professionals have been working as following the Code and Standard, and we believe in quality work with economical solutions. Actually, we want to introduce ourselves in front of you by providing our best consultancy and founding principles of customer services with professional excellence, commitment to quality, and dedication to hard work.
We integrate engineering design excellence with construction

A strong experience in construction

To simplify and modernize engineering design and project management and implementation in Bangladesh. Innovation of new technologies for creating safe & sustainable infrastructure and energy saving.

“At its heart engineering is about using science to find creative practical solutions. It’s a noble profession.” – Queen Elizabeth II

To become leading Engineering Company in Bangladesh with young and energetic team and ultramodern and innovative design and implantation techniques. o Develop our company into a research-based Engineering firm.

“I don’t spend my time pontificating about high-concept things; I spend my time solving engineering and manufacturing problems.” – Elon Musk

Responsibility, teamwork, and innovation.

“Engineering is not about what you learn or practice; Engineering is about what you imagine to learn and practice”
  • Clients: We believe that in order to succeed we must contribute to the success of our
  • Staff: Our performance and abilities is only as good as the staff we are able to attract, develop and
  • Technology: A cornerstone of our philosophy is to develop and embrace new technologies and methodologies to the advantage of our clients and our
  • Cooperation: We encourage cooperation and communication between our Branch offices, and work with partners to the best advantage of
  • Growth: It is our view that growth of our business must be in response to the requirements of
We are your trusted manufacturing & engineering partner

We have a professional team of construction workers and auditors for your company

Honorable Clients Mb
We Feel Proud to Serve


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